MD&A’s Turbine-Generator Repair Facility in St. MD&A Parts Division (MD&A) manufactures and supplies all parts for Triplet Type Bypass Main Stop Valve. 6-th EPRI Workshop Steam Turbine / Generators - St. The overall valve offering is a drop in replacement that reduces valve maintenance costs and increases the time between valve outages.” Inspection and Maintenance Services has used phased array ultrasonic techniques. The engineering experts at MD&A Parts Division design each valve to optimize the flow geometry and apply the latest materials and nanocoating technology to extend component life.
A d & m generator and turbine repair st louis upgrade#
“The triple bypass main stop valve upgrade significantly reduces solid particle erosion (SPE). The Fairbanks-Morse FM 'Trainmaster' is the most powerful loco that Lionel built during the Postwar era (1945 through 1969) Lionel used the Jersey Central FM as the lead engine in just one set - the 2270W streamlined passenger set. Mark Passino, MD&A Parts Division’s Engineering Manager, said: The main stop valve upgrade addresses these issues with a configuration that allows for high-velocity bypass steam to flow parallel to the stem, thus eliminating stem erosion issues. The evaluation resulted in the design of MD&A Parts Division Triplet Type Main Stop Valve upgrade as an effective countermeasure to the solid particle erosion seen in conventional designs. A thorough investigation of stem and bypass valve erosion on main stop valves led to an engineering design study of these issues. If needed, straightening can be performed on-site with vertical or horizontal thermal straightening and stress. Traditional bowed rotor repair is a shop process performed by MD&A’s Turbine-Generator Repair Facility in St. SPE reduces component life and decreases valve reliability. For the casing and diaphragms, MD&A alignment engineers can perform a realignment for improved efficiency. Solid Particle Erosion (SPE) occurs where steam and solid particles at high velocities make an abrupt change in direction.
View the video on the advantages of the main stop valve upgrade and for additional information call MD&A Parts Division today at (518) 885-3199 or use our Contact form. The MD&A Parts Division Triplet Type Main Stop Valve upgrade reduces solid particle erosion (SPE), thereby increasing valve component life! Westinghouse® Horizontal Throttle Valves.Mitsubishi Power Continuous Cover Blades /Long Blades.Legacy Turbine Circuit Boards, Repairs & Service.